Nathan Natas
JoinedPosts by Nathan Natas
More than 17 years of service to the XJW community!
by Nathan Natas ini want to take a moment to salute rick fearon, an "apostate" near boston massachusetts usa who more than 17 years ago started the sixscreens telenetwork on youtube.
you can find it here: https://www (dot) youtube (dot) com/ (at) araretreat/streams.. like our benevolent host simon green here at, rick has not done his great work for his own financial enrichment or to collect followers for himself, as some xjw grifters have done and continue to do.. saturdays and sundays are the busy days at six screens, with call-in programs like:.
* jw world news.
Nathan Natas
[deleted my me] -
More than 17 years of service to the XJW community!
by Nathan Natas ini want to take a moment to salute rick fearon, an "apostate" near boston massachusetts usa who more than 17 years ago started the sixscreens telenetwork on youtube.
you can find it here: https://www (dot) youtube (dot) com/ (at) araretreat/streams.. like our benevolent host simon green here at, rick has not done his great work for his own financial enrichment or to collect followers for himself, as some xjw grifters have done and continue to do.. saturdays and sundays are the busy days at six screens, with call-in programs like:.
* jw world news.
Nathan Natas
It is an easy thing to call names; any fool is equal to that, and the weapon of vituperation is generally used by those who lack brains for argument or are on the wrong side.
More than 17 years of service to the XJW community!
by Nathan Natas ini want to take a moment to salute rick fearon, an "apostate" near boston massachusetts usa who more than 17 years ago started the sixscreens telenetwork on youtube.
you can find it here: https://www (dot) youtube (dot) com/ (at) araretreat/streams.. like our benevolent host simon green here at, rick has not done his great work for his own financial enrichment or to collect followers for himself, as some xjw grifters have done and continue to do.. saturdays and sundays are the busy days at six screens, with call-in programs like:.
* jw world news.
Nathan Natas
WingCommander said "This is a fuggin' joke, right? (blah blah blah)"
Well, Wingy, ol' buddy, ol' pal, I have to ask what have YOU done these past 17 years to benefit the XJW community?
Do you find it EASY to throw stones at those who unselfishly contribute more than you ever have? Is it a compulsion with you? Can you not help yourself?
Perhaps Barbara Anderson and others who appreciate Rick Fearon's dedication and consistency know something YOU DON'T KNOW.
Rick has assured us time and time again that "Johnny the Bethelite" was absolutely legitimate, while some know-it-alls, without any evidence other than their own imaginations INSIST that "Johnny the Bethelite" was a hoax.
Was "Johnny" ever inaccurate in anything he reported? Tell me when. How could a hoax be so accurate?
You can exercise the "freedom of the sons of god" and NOT LISTEN to SIXSCREENS if you wish.
For myself, I shall exercise my godless freedom to discount whatever you say and listen to SIXSCREENS each week, because I CHOOSE TO.
More than 17 years of service to the XJW community!
by Nathan Natas ini want to take a moment to salute rick fearon, an "apostate" near boston massachusetts usa who more than 17 years ago started the sixscreens telenetwork on youtube.
you can find it here: https://www (dot) youtube (dot) com/ (at) araretreat/streams.. like our benevolent host simon green here at, rick has not done his great work for his own financial enrichment or to collect followers for himself, as some xjw grifters have done and continue to do.. saturdays and sundays are the busy days at six screens, with call-in programs like:.
* jw world news.
Nathan Natas
Yes, as BETHSARIM and ENOUGHISENOUGH mentioned, all the shows on SIX SCREENS are available anytime, anywhere; you don't have to change your weekend schedule around to benefit.
I apologize for the link I tried to post not working... To find SIXSCREENS, go to YouTube and search for RICK FEARON. That is probably the easiest way to find SIXSCREENS.
More than 17 years of service to the XJW community!
by Nathan Natas ini want to take a moment to salute rick fearon, an "apostate" near boston massachusetts usa who more than 17 years ago started the sixscreens telenetwork on youtube.
you can find it here: https://www (dot) youtube (dot) com/ (at) araretreat/streams.. like our benevolent host simon green here at, rick has not done his great work for his own financial enrichment or to collect followers for himself, as some xjw grifters have done and continue to do.. saturdays and sundays are the busy days at six screens, with call-in programs like:.
* jw world news.
Nathan Natas
I want to take a moment to salute RICK FEARON, an "apostate" near Boston Massachusetts USA who more than 17 years ago started the SIXSCREENS TELENETWORK on YouTube. You can find it here: https://www (dot) youtube (dot) com/ (at) araretreat/streams.
Like our benevolent host SIMON GREEN here at, Rick has not done his great work for his own financial enrichment or to collect followers for himself, as some XJW grifters have done and continue to do.
Saturdays and Sundays are the busy days at Six Screens, with call-in programs like:
there are new shows being added from time to time. If you have the desire to host a show, talk to Rick; maybe you too can go on the air on the SIXSCREENS TELENETWORK!
Watchdog reports on investigation into Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Britain
by AndersonsInfo in
press release.
watchdog reports on investigation into watch tower bible and tract society of britain.
Nathan Natas
It seems I'm not the only one who doesn't see the significance of this Charity Commission report.
Other than providing a pretty uninteresting chronicle of Watchtower's so-called "charities,"it seems to me that it does nothing, unlike the Australian and Norwegian investigations.
Secret Elders Book? Bwahahaha!
by NotFormer ini remember a couple of decades ago when the internet was relatively young and the wt was at war with it, that they were battling to keep the pay attention book secret, commencing legal action against anyone who published it online (and of course, trying to out anyone who leaked it).
i think it was a norwegian skeptics organisation who had it available for download and dared the wt lawyers to come after them.. so i guess the new shepherd the flock book came out to try and put the genie back in the bottle and reassert some air of mystery and secrecy back into the equation.. so i typed jehovah's witnesses secret elder book into google.
colour me gobsmacked!
Nathan Natas
This tickles me in a very satisfying way.
At what point, does one become apostate to the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses?
by Vanderhoven7 inat what point does a jehovah’s witness cease to be a jehovah’s witness?
what if a witness doesn't believe some of the official teachings of the governing body but remains silent on these subjects to avoid being disfellowshipped?
is he or she an apostate to the faith?
Nathan Natas
Q.: At what point, does one become apostate to the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses?
A.: When cognition begins.
Jehovah's witness cannot perform marriages in Norway
by blondie in .
Nathan Natas
Anticipating New Light on shacking up!
It was good enuff for judge Rutherford, it should be good enough for ALL of Jehovah's Faithful Servants!
Biden running in 2024 🤣
by LoveUniHateExams ini've filed this under news and world events, although i could've posted it under entertainment, lol.
apparently, joe biden will be seeking re-election for another term in the white house.. this, despite a recent poll showing that 70% of people don't want him to run again.. biden just has to be the worst president i've seen.
his gaffes, over-relience on a prompter, and, more than any other president, his refusal to answer journalists' questions, all go to make him top of the list in terms of bad presidents.. it will certainly provide entertainment, if nothing else..